Walker Gulch, Zion NP, Utah
On the Ropewiki map for Walker Gulch, there is a skull and crossbones at the head of the canyon, warning people about an overhanging shelf that should be avoided at all costs. Not exactly the normal type of beta for a canyon, but definitely the makings of an interesting day. The beta is located here: Walker Gulch - ropewiki. No permits are required as this canyon is just outside the park. Our hike in started near the 4-wheel-drive parking lot above Orderville Canyon after we exited Birch Hollow. It was early afternoon on a very cold January day and the temperatures were finally warming up above freezing. The sun felt incredible on our faces. We scrambled up some slopes and washes until we reached a mesa with a well-defined trail along an ATV route with fresh tire tracks. We followed the trail for another mile to the head of [...]